Thursday, March 27, 2008

TATA's set to tame the Jaguar

RATAN TATA has pulled off another brand considered to be iconic of the rich and famous in Britian. It's ironic that it took a company from one of it's colonies to bail out the British giant.
After Tetley and Corus this is another landmark acheivement for the TATA's. The challenges that lie ahead are also vast. It's going to be intresting to see how the TATA's draw the synergies from both the units to complete a portfolio comprising of two extremes like the NANO and the Rover. Good luck TATA....get set to tame the Jaguar.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My first blog

It's exciting to start of on this new found liking of mine.........I am happy to have created my zone out on the world wide web.
I wish to use this medium to pour out my creative juices, opinions and suggestions on the happenings around me.
Hope you have as much fun reading it as I have while typing it out.

Looking forward to a wonderful experience ahead.

Signing off.......